@cassidoo @jdan Are you sure you spoke at that though? I see no evidence of that by looking at the videos published from the ev…oh.
@jh3yy @heypresents I only write intros to 10 talks/speakers each year. Finding the conferences where this happens to align can be challenging.
Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
My parody-diving rod is malfunctioning. https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1537426037864386561
@Chris_Perry_61 @jh3yy @heypresents How rude of me…
They were epic. Hardly touched the sides. Big mug of tea was a crucial accompaniment.
I’m most grateful, Chris!
They were epic. Hardly touched the sides. Big mug of tea was a crucial accompaniment.
I’m most grateful, Chris!
@AnjanaVakil Look after yourself, you excellent human.
Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
🤩 Brilliant write-up! 🤩
@lynnandtonic is an absolutely master at this!
@lynnandtonic is an absolutely master at this!
@cagilulusahin @djangolondon Exciting! Congrats on getting IRL sessions rolling again!
@seaotta I bet it's amazing when it clicks
(I don't mean your spine, I mean the knack)
(I don't mean your spine, I mean the knack)
@seaotta Woah! Seriously cool.
Trying not to imagine how hard I'd fail at this.
Trying not to imagine how hard I'd fail at this.
@whalecoiner I spoke at this once.
About 900 people in my talk.
I don't think I had more than 2 conversations the whole time I was there.
I skipped the speaker dinner because it had 200 people. (Which is a conference of its own... I wonder if there were speakers... and if they had a dinner)
About 900 people in my talk.
I don't think I had more than 2 conversations the whole time I was there.
I skipped the speaker dinner because it had 200 people. (Which is a conference of its own... I wonder if there were speakers... and if they had a dinner)
@deanleigh @type__error You are not alone!
@katiefennbackup @FrontEndSheff @LeedsJS @Mcr_FRED @JSOxford Nice! @FrontEndSheff looks lovely.
@leedsjs and @Mcr_FRED are both great. I'll also look up @JSOxford. Thanks Katie!
@leedsjs and @Mcr_FRED are both great. I'll also look up @JSOxford. Thanks Katie!
@type__error That's exactly what I'm wondering and exploring.
I'd like to put my energies into participating and supporting those that are still around.
I'd like to put my energies into participating and supporting those that are still around.
@jh3yy @smashingconf Putting my face on screen often triggers the end of an event.
Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
Web developers around the UK — are there regular local meet-ups and events near you that you enjoy? (IRL or online)
What are your favourites?
What are your favourites?
@peruvianidol @MicheBarks I love this talk so much
@ChrisFerdinandi @brad_frost Because of the absence of black pudding?
@JasonDilworth56 @Twitter I thought unfollowing or muting everyone I know who mentions anything NBA related would be sufficient.
But I guess not.
But I guess not.
Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
Arse. That's 5 out of 5 games in the NBA finals spoiled for me a few hours before I could watch them.
This time (as with game 4) by @twitter.
Not because I follow somebody who spoiled it, but because Twitter put the final score in the "What's happening" section.
This time (as with game 4) by @twitter.
Not because I follow somebody who spoiled it, but because Twitter put the final score in the "What's happening" section.