@SteveALee @sanity_io Where it is appropriate for the project, I like to treat content as data and abstract it.
@kentcdodds @babafemiAdigun @Netlify @remix_run Yes indeed. Nice to know it’s there should you need it though. 🥳
@kentcdodds @babafemiAdigun @Netlify @remix_run Yes that’s exactly what I meant. Sorry if that English idiom of “all good” was confusing.
Support for @remix_run and streaming is provided by Netlify Edge Functions.
Things like background, scheduled, or regular severless functions aren’t what I’m referring to here.
Support for @remix_run and streaming is provided by Netlify Edge Functions.
Things like background, scheduled, or regular severless functions aren’t what I’m referring to here.
@seldo Please stop. I can't look at this.
@babafemiAdigun @kentcdodds All good on @Netlify.
Netlify Edge Functions support streaming and play very nicely with @remix_run. We're big fans over here.
Here's a quick-start template to try it out.
Netlify Edge Functions support streaming and play very nicely with @remix_run. We're big fans over here.
Here's a quick-start template to try it out.
@brad_frost This needs the Fred Flintstone tip-toe bowling sound effect, and then it would be perfect.
@DavidDarnes It's entirely possible I have that setting on my mistake.
I'll check later. After a lie down.
I'll check later. After a lie down.
@jakecodes And a cooler one! 😍
@jlengstorf @Tzmanics I think the laugh I suppressed came out through my ears. You can hear it bubbling. Thanks a lot, @Tzmanics
@clearlyTHUYDOAN @Tzmanics @jlengstorf @bencodezen Ha! Yes indeed. I’ve got quite a few where most of the crew had to quietly walk away. @Tzmanics brought the thunder!
@clearlyTHUYDOAN @Tzmanics @jlengstorf @bencodezen The marker lid spit by @Tzmanics took us all by surprise and buckled our knees while we tried to keep quiet during the shoot.
@wearepolter @Netlify I’m just happy that you don’t have a 14 day code and content freeze per deploy like I’ve had in a few projects in my life.
Mash that deploy button! 🥳
Mash that deploy button! 🥳
@wearepolter @Netlify Ship it.
Ship it.
Ship it.
Ship it.
Ship it. That's it.
Ship it. I'm done for sure.
Really though, ship it one last time.
Ship it.
Ship it.
Ship it.
Ship it. That's it.
Ship it. I'm done for sure.
Really though, ship it one last time.
@mikeneumegen Thanks! Many brains were involved in that. I hope that it is going to help.
@remotesynth Out of 100, I’ve learned 99 ways to do this. One of them eludes me to this day.
@jlengstorf Agreed!
The number of “old man yells” variants alone seems to be never ending. https://twitter.com/philhawksworth/status/1511399158304972809
The number of “old man yells” variants alone seems to be never ending. https://twitter.com/philhawksworth/status/1511399158304972809
@puliogare @rafahari Staggering
@toddmorey I'll say!
They've done a good job of training users to blindly accept any notification with a button on it though. Just to get past an annoying, noisy, verbose gate. No matter what access might be included in the weeds.
They make me terribly sad.
They've done a good job of training users to blindly accept any notification with a button on it though. Just to get past an annoying, noisy, verbose gate. No matter what access might be included in the weeds.
They make me terribly sad.
@zachleat dehydration
@lloydi Ever since he discovered that I control the tides.